What is Content Marketing? Understanding Its Effectiveness

 “Content builds relationships”.
“Relationships are built over trust”.
“Trust drives revenue”.
– Andrew Davis.

You’ve probably heard the term "Content Marketing" a lot, especially when talking about Digital Marketing. But do most people really know what it means?

If you think Content Marketing is just about writing SEO-friendly blogs or articles, you might be missing the bigger picture.

In this article, we’ll explain what Content Marketing actually is, why it’s important, and talk about some of the main types of Content Marketing.

But before we get into that, it’s important to first understand what we mean by “content.” So, let’s start there before diving into Content Marketing.

What is Content?

Content is anything that solves a problem or provides a solution in some way.

In simple terms, content is the core idea or subject of any book, show, program, or even a thought. It’s everywhere—whether it’s product reports, sales reports, marketing campaigns, or even ad scripts and copywriting.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the difference between regular content and the content we create for content marketing?

We’ll get to that, but first, let’s understand what content marketing is. That way, it’ll be easier to see the difference.

What is Content Marketing?

In simple terms, Content Marketing is all about telling a story, which is also known as storytelling.

Humans have been telling stories since the beginning of language, and it’s often said that "Everyone Has A Story." But when it comes to Content Marketing, it’s not just about having a good story; it’s about how well you tell that story.

There’s a popular quote in English:
“Good content is not just storytelling. It’s telling your story well.”

Writing a story is a whole process, and the same is true for Content Marketing. Every process has steps. For example, when writing a story:

  1. First, you identify the theme or issue.
  2. Second, you decide on the background and plot.
  3. Third, you develop the important characters.

And it continues with more steps.

In Content Marketing, there are also three main steps:

  1. Content Creation
  2. Content Distribution
  3. Content Promotion

So, to sum it up, Content Marketing and storytelling are quite similar. Content Marketing is a process where you create, share, and promote content.

Steps in Content Marketing Process

We talked about three steps of Content Marketing Process, so let's discuss those steps one by one.

1. What is Content Creation?

Content Creation is the first step in the Content Marketing process. It involves producing content on a specific subject, theme, or event.

The topic can be anything—from reviewing a movie to explaining how a machine works. When you research a subject and create something new, whether it's written content or video, that’s called Content Creation.

However, it’s not as simple as it sounds. There are many things to consider before creating content, such as:

  • Who is the target audience?
  • How long should the content be?
  • What keywords should be used?
  • What tone or style of language should be used?
  • What type of content is best (e.g., blog, video, infographic)?

All these factors need to be carefully thought through to create effective and engaging content.

Read Also: Learn Content Creation: A Better Career Opportunity

2. What is Content Distribution?

Content Distribution is the second step in the Content Marketing process. It’s how you deliver your content to your target audience through various online platforms and channels.

There are three main types of channels used for content distribution:

1. Owned Media Channels

These are the platforms that belong to your company or business. For example, your website, blog, email newsletters, and social media pages are all owned media. You control these channels, so you can distribute content as you like.

2. Earned Media Channels

Earned media is when other people or third parties share or promote your content. This includes things like guest articles that mention your brand, online reviews, retweets, and press coverage. You don’t pay for this promotion—it’s earned through your brand’s reputation or the quality of your content.

3. Paid Media Channels

Paid media involves spending money to promote your content. The most common model is Cost Per Click (CPC), where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad or content. The cost is calculated by platforms like Google based on various factors, and this helps your content reach a larger audience quickly.

3. What is Content Promotion?

Content Promotion is the final step in the Content Marketing process. It involves sharing your blogs, articles, posts, or other resources through both paid and unpaid channels. These channels can include social media, email marketing, influencer marketing, and more.

You might wonder what the difference is between Content Distribution and Content Promotion. Let’s clear that up.

When you promote content, you generally aim to spread it widely, reaching a broad audience without focusing on specific targeting factors. You're sharing information with as many people as possible, without narrowing it down to a specific group.

However, in Content Distribution, the content is shared with a particular target audience in mind, based on factors like their interests or behavior.


Let’s say you are organizing a jewelry exhibition and have planned two marketing campaigns:

  1. Campaign 1: You focus on people who frequently buy jewelry from you, jewelry influencers, and those who fit your target audience. This is content distribution because you’re targeting a specific group.

  2. Campaign 2: You also spread the word to the general public through banners, flyers, and videos, aiming to inform a larger group of people who might not necessarily be your core audience. This is content promotion.

Difference Between Normal Content and Content for Content Marketing

The key difference lies in the destination.

  • When you create content for normal purposes, like writing a report, it's just content.
  • But, when you're using Content Marketing, you're optimizing it with keywords, tags, and meta tags so that the content can be found online and drive traffic to the place where it’s published (your website, blog, etc.).

In short, Content Marketing aims to attract users to a specific destination through strategic creation, distribution, and promotion of content.

Read Also: Top 9 Practices For Effective Content Creation

Why is Content Marketing Important?

Content Marketing has turned into a huge industry today.

According to a report from Global Newswire, the Global Content Marketing Industry is expected to grow from $417.85 billion between 2021 and 2025, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16%.

These figures show that there’s a lot of potential in the field of Content Marketing.

So, how can you use Content Marketing effectively to achieve the best results? Let’s explore that.

Content Marketing Improves Google Ranking

“Your content speaks for you.”

To rank any website on Google, effective SEO is essential.

SEO involves many factors, such as Quality Score, Bounce Rate, Site Mapping, and Backlinking, among others.

One effective way to enhance the performance of all these factors is through Content Marketing.

In Content Marketing, we start by creating relevant content. This helps users connect better with the content, reducing the Bounce Rate and improving the Quality Score.

SEO is also an important part of Content Marketing. During the SEO process, we conduct several essential activities like Keyword Research, Backlinking, and Site Mapping, which are crucial for improving rankings.

Consistent Content Increases ROI (Return On Investment)

If you regularly create and distribute relevant content on your blog, website, or other platforms, it will increase traffic to those destinations. As traffic grows, conversions tend to rise as well.

This isn't just a claim; statistics about Content Marketing support this.

According to an article by CMI, Content Marketing generates three times more leads compared to Traditional Marketing.

Additionally, a report from Demand Metric shows that 90% of marketers incorporate Content Marketing into their overall marketing strategy.

Content Marketing is Cost Effective

Content Marketing is much more cost-effective than traditional marketing.

According to statistics from CMI, Content Marketing can be up to 62% more cost-effective compared to traditional marketing methods.

Through Content Marketing, customers interact with our brand, providing us with valuable insights into their tastes and preferences.

Using this data, we can create an effective Content Marketing strategy that targets our audience more accurately, leading to increased leads and reduced costs.

Content Marketing Increases Your Brand Visibility

How Does Your Brand Speak?

How does your brand communicate with customers about itself or its products? If you have a brand, you can’t personally tell customers about your old or new products every time, right? So, who will do that?

Your Content!

Your content is what informs customers about your brand across different platforms and locations. It showcases your presence and provides details about your products or services.

According to a recent projection by Data Giant Seagate, by 2025, about 75% of people will interact with data every 18 seconds.

Given this, Content Marketing becomes even more crucial for your business. Today, what’s online and visible is what drives sales.

Content Marketing Types

What is Content Marketing and Why is it Important?

By now, you should have a good understanding of Content Marketing and its significance. Let’s explore the different types of Content Marketing.

If you think Content Marketing is only about blogs or articles, you’re mistaken. While blogs and articles are indeed types of Content Marketing, the scope is much broader.

Here are the top 4 types of Content Marketing:

1. Blogging

Blogging is a common and effective form of Content Marketing.

  • Writing product-related blogs on your website can attract potential customers, provide detailed product information, and answer common queries. This can significantly increase conversion rates.
  • Blogs are also a low-cost way to improve SEO and drive organic traffic.
  • A well-crafted blog not only discusses product details but also explains the problems the product solves, addressing myths and facts related to it.
  • According to CMI, small businesses that use blogging for Content Marketing generate 126% more leads than those that do not. Impact Plus reports that 77% of users read blogs, highlighting the size of this market.

2. Video Marketing

Video is an excellent medium for promoting content.

  • It allows your audience to connect emotionally with your brand.
  • HubSpot research shows that 94% of marketers believe users prefer watching videos related to products or services. Additionally, 86% of businesses incorporate video marketing into their strategies.
  • For example, the Fevicol advertisement tells a story about old furniture, capturing the audience's attention with a unique concept.
  • FilterCopy is another great example, where videos identify a common problem and then present the product or service as a solution, making it relatable to viewers.
  • Popular platforms for video marketing include YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, with Instagram Reels currently trending as a quick and engaging video option.

3. Audio and Podcast Content Marketing

Podcasts are a growing segment of audio marketing.

  • A podcast allows you to share your message through your voice without needing to meet your audience in person.
  • It’s especially beneficial for people who prefer listening over reading or watching videos.
  • Podcasts can use voice modulation to emphasize key points, making the content engaging while providing information that listeners can absorb while multitasking.
  • According to Moneycontrol, India has about 57 million podcast listeners, making it the third largest podcast-consuming nation globally, with an expected CAGR of 30.5% over the next five years.
  • Popular podcast platforms in India include Suno India, Spooler, and aawaz.com.

4. Infographics Content Marketing

Infographics are visually appealing graphics that present statistics, charts, and information.

  • They are an effective way to promote content because they attract attention and convey a lot of information succinctly.
  • Designing infographics requires proper planning, research, and strategy to ensure clarity and visual appeal.
  • According to Visme.com, people are 30% more likely to make quick decisions when prompted with visuals instead of plain text.

These are the top 4 types of Content Marketing. Other forms include case studies, reviews, checklists, and eBook marketing.

Keep in mind that the classification of Content Marketing types can vary, as different authors may categorize them differently.


Content Marketing is one of the best ways to earn money in the field of Digital Marketing.

It is just as effective for your business as Direct Marketing.

I have divided the Content Marketing process into three steps: Content Creation, Content Distribution, and Content Promotion.

This strategy is very cost-effective, allowing you to create multiple avenues to promote your business across all social media platforms and increase your influence.
