Social Media Marketing – Best Marketing Strategies for 2024

Social media has become an important part of our life.

Many social media platforms are included under this such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

The definition of these platforms is different for every user.

If a person has to share his personal life then he uses Facebook, if someone has to show any of his skills then he uses Instagram, if someone has to share his thoughts then Twitter is a medium for him. And if they want to build good relations with B2B companies then they use LinkedIn.

You too must have used social media at some point or the other for these reasons.

*According to The Global Statistics, there will be 467 Million Social Media Users in India in 2024 and every day an average user spends 2.36 hours on Social Media.

After reading these statistics, you can imagine how much potential there is in social media.

Even after this, will you use social media only for entertainment? Obviously, not at all.

So here comes the point of using social media to your advantage.

Yes, proper use of social media can prove to be a great deal of benefit in your life.

There is something for everyone on social media platforms.

If you are a content creator, business owner, or a professional, you can use social media to your advantage.

If we talk about Social Media in the context of business, then it includes some strategies, the main names of which are Social Media Optimization (SMO) & Social Media Marketing (SMM).

Social Media Optimization (SMO) means optimizing multiple platforms of social media.

With the help of SMO, you can increase the online presence of your business and showcase yourself as an influencer.

SMO includes some free or organic strategies that help in establishing you as a brand on social media.

Similarly, Social Media Marketing (SMM) also includes all those Paid or Inorganic Digital Marketing Strategies which you use to establish your business and earn money through Social Media.

In today's blog we are going to mention SMM. We will understand social media marketing and know its different types and benefits.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Its meaning is hidden in the name of Social Media Marketing (SMM). In simple language, marketing on social media platforms is called social media marketing.

Social Media Marketing includes all those Inorganic or Paid Strategies using which you can market your business or your services on various platforms of Social Media and generate leads for yourself.

Apart from this, if you have any special skills then you can also market them and earn money.

This is such a part of the Digital Ecosystem with the help of which you share content related to your business on various social media platforms. To increase the reach of your posts, you take the help of Paid Promotions, due to which your posts reach your target audience Reach.

Social Media Marketing Glossary

Before starting marketing on any social media platform, it is important to understand what the words used for it mean.

It is important for you to understand the terms used in SMM. Therefore, we have explained the most common and most used words for you.


Whatever knowledge & information you share on your various social media platforms is called content.

Content can be in any form – it can be audio, it can be an image, it can be text, or it can be a video.

You cannot use the same type of content structure for each of your platforms.
You have to optimize your content according to different social media platforms.

*For example, your post on Facebook can be quite descriptive, but in a tweet on Twitter you can use only 280 characters.


It is important to understand the context of the content you want to share, and where you can share it.

For example, when we post one of our reels on Instagram, it is possible that that reel goes viral. But, if we share the same reel on any other platform, it may not give such good results there.

Therefore it is important to understand the context of the content.


Instagram has given many names to Hashtags which have now become very important to use. Now Hashtags are being used not only on Instagram but also on other platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Hashtags are words that explain the meaning of your content and are closely related to the topic.

Proper use of hashtags increases the visibility of your content.


Everyone likes and comments, but only those people share your content who get some value from your content.

The more your content is shared, the more people will know you and their trust will start building on you.


Reach means how many social media users have seen your post. SMM is used only to increase the reach.


Clicks means how many users took any action on your post after seeing it.


Impressions tell how many times your posts were seen, whether any action (Like, Comment, etc.) was taken on them or not.


From Mention, you can estimate how many times your audience has used your name in their posts.


With Tags, you will be able to know how many times your audience has tagged your username or social media handle in posts.


When your audience shares some of your posts on their social media handle platform, it is called Repost.

Why is Social Media Marketing important?

Social media plays an important role in online marketing. In such a situation, if you ignore it, then in the long run you may lose many customers whom you could have associated with your business.

Let us now talk about Social Media Marketing Benefits which are important for you to know so that you can start doing Social Media Marketing from today itself.

1. Brand Awareness

The number of social media users is increasing day by day. Disasters like Covid 19 have also brought a lot of changes in the world of online marketing.

When you continuously share your business related content on social media, people start knowing and recognizing you, and thus your brand value increases.

Here users have the freedom to like, comment and share your posts and they also interact with you.

Engagement on social media posts increases your brand awareness.

2. Targeted Reach

Social media campaigns allow you to easily customize your ad campaign and this is its biggest plus point.

What happens with this is that you show your advertisement only to those people who are interested in your products or services.

When you target the audience with such accuracy, it is obvious that you will get good results.

Besides, you can also analyze which results you have got from which ad.

Before doing any analysis, run your campaigns for at least 15 – 20 days and only then analyze and make changes if you want.

3. Customer Relations

The audience on social media always prefers to read quality content.

Whenever you post something on social media, your followers like it, comment on it, and share it.

In such a situation, when you interact with your followers, the trust of your followers also develops in your brand.

Nowadays, Giveaway trend is going on a lot, so you can also plan it and build a good relationship with your customers.

4. Lead Generation

It is important to do promotions on social media for lead generation, for this you can run paid campaigns.

Also you can boost posts, do paid promotions so that the reach of your post increases and more and more people see it.

Your followers on social media are interested in your products.

By increasing your engagement with them, you can also do Sales Conversions.

5. Direct Selling

Facebook has launched Marketplace and Instagram has also added the feature of Instagram Shop. With this, doing business has now become even easier.

The best advantage of selling on Social Media Platforms is that here you are able to connect with the customer without any middleman.

How to do Social Media Marketing?

Digital is today and digital is tomorrow.

We saw why Social Media Marketing is important.

Now let's move towards its implementation and understand how to do Social Media Marketing and what are the factors that you should pay attention to before implementing it?

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Before posting on social media, you have to make social media strategies and decide what you want to achieve from social media marketing.
  •   Do you want to promote your product or service?
  •   Or want to generate traffic on your website?
  •   Or do you want to do Lead Generation for yourself?
  •   Whatever your end goal is, you can bring results by making strategies accordingly.
Tip – Keep in mind that not all strategies work for everyone. What brings results for you may not necessarily bring similar results for someone else.

Planning & Execution

Content planning is important for marketing on social media platforms.

Along with the content plan, you also need to have a schedule for publishing the content.

Posting at a fixed time increases your authority.

“Consistency is Key” – Knot it.

You can do this yourself or you can also hire a small team to handle social media.

But what should the content be like? Let us know:

1. Super Valuable – The content you are sharing should have value. Your reader should get to learn something new by reading it.

Pro Tip – The more your posts are saved, the greater are the chances of your posts going viral.

2. Audience Centric – You will have to prepare and share your content keeping your audience in mind.

  This will mean that your audience will be able to relate to it very well and will remain connected to you for a long time.


3. Give A Clear Call To Action – What is your motive for sharing content?

Or rather, what do you want from the audience when they come to your posts?

Do you want to divert them to your website?

Do you want to give them any reward?

Do you want to give them some free downloadable material? (E-Book, PDFs, etc.)

You have to define your intention clearly.


Regular posting alone does not suffice.

It is also important to engage with the audience.

But the question is how to increase engagement? Let us know:
  1. Respond to your post comments.
  2. Go Live on Social Media Platforms.
  3. Interact with your followers.
  4. Include the ongoing trends in your strategies.


Are your strategies giving some results?

It is important that you analyze which campaign is giving what results.

What type of engagement is there on a particular post?

This helps you to decide further strategy.

There are many tools in the market which are useful for your analysis, such as
  1. Sprout Social
  2. HubSpot
  3. TapInfluence
  4. Google Analytics


The best place for advertisements at this time is Social Media Platforms.

Nowadays, every small to big company is taking help of social media platforms for marketing.

But why is it so?

Because of its features!

Facebook is most preferred for online advertising because currently there are 2.90 Billion users on Facebook.

When we get so many users on one platform, on which we can run ads by targeting the audience with great ease and accuracy, then what is the need for traditional marketing?

It is also worth noting that you can analyze online advertising campaigns and if you want to tweak them, it can be done very easily.

Social Media Marketing Types

Social Media Marketing is not limited to just Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest.etc.

This is a very wide concept which includes the following skill sets:

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing means publishing and promoting content in such a way that the problems of your audience can be solved.

Through content marketing, you can build your brand awareness as well as trust among your audience.

Important for Content Marketing:
  1. A Content Strategy that will define your end goal.
  2.   Content Plan, under which you make a plan to achieve your goals.
  3. Content Schedule, in which you decide when to publish the post and how often. ,
  4. Along with this, you have to have patience.

2. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing has become quite popular now, under which Famous Brands collaborate with some Famous YouTubers and Instagrammers.

What happens in this is that brands get their promotion done by these famous social media influencers.

The fan following of influencers is quite large and this is how brands get traction.

It is important for Influencer Marketing:
  1. Defining the end goal.
  2. Finding the Best Influencer for the Campaign.
  3. Create a campaign and run it to get maximum results.

3. Paid Ads

When it comes to Social Media Marketing, the most common one is Paid Ads.

There are many platforms for Paid Advertising like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.

*YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, but do you know that YouTube is the third most visited website in the world?

Paid advertising strategies change for every platform and their budgets also change.

There are many factors that you have to keep in mind before running paid advertisements, mainly these include:
  1. What is your objective behind running an ad campaign?
  2. How much do you want to budget?
  3. On the basis of which customizations do you want to target the audience?
  4. What will be the call to action?
After reading all these methods of Social Media Marketing, you must have got an idea of how vast it is and how it has countless opportunities and possibilities for business growth.


At present the whole world has become digital and the use of social media has also started increasing rapidly.

You should take full advantage of this opportunity where there are only benefits for you.

Social Media Marketing has the power to show the Right Product to the Right Audience at the Right Time, which will increase your Sales Conversion.

Whether you are a business owner, a content creator, or a digital coach – using social media marketing strategies can benefit you manifold.

Whether you want to promote your business, generate leads, create your influence, or want to sell on social media, all your goals can be achieved by learning and implementing SMM properly.

This is included in one of the most important strategies of Digital Marketing.
