Digital Marketing In India 2024 – Future & Growth

In this Internet age, do you still trust Traditional Marketing Strategies and consider them the best?

In this century, Internet has become a medium which has brought revolutionary changes in people's lives. According to a report, by the end of the year 2025, there will be about 4.4 Billion Internet users worldwide, which is currently around 3.8 Billion. In such a situation, changes are justified. 

With the advent of Internet, the use of mobile phones, computers, laptops, etc. has also increased. Every day thousands and lakhs of people are joining social media. 

Also, people can now easily do most of the work sitting at home through mobile phone or computer, for which they had to leave the house.

Meanwhile, Internet has also given a new form to Marketing which is now known as Digital Marketing.  

Due to all these reasons, the trend of Digital Marketing has been seen more in India in the last decade. 

People have started implementing Digital Marketing Strategies in their business and are now taking their products & services to the people and adding new customers.  

Along with this, many people are also providing their services as a freelancer by learning Digital Marketing and earning good money.

So now the question comes that should you also become a part of this huge online marketing industry and start a new income stream for yourself by learning something new in this new year?

To know the answer to this question, let us see how Digital Marketing is effective for you and what is its future growth.

 Internet Users Stats

If we talk about the last decade in India, the maximum boom has been seen in the IT sector. Along with this, our country is also at second place in the world in the use of internet.

With the advent of Internet, there has been a tremendous increase in people's income. People have now started earning money using the internet.

According to a report by Statista, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of Internet users in India alone. Whereas earlier in the year 2010, only 92 Million people used the Internet, in the year 2021 this number has now increased to 845 Million, which is an increase of almost 900%.

From these numbers you can guess how people have started giving so much importance to the Internet.

Because of the Internet, there has been a significant increase in work related to Online Marketing & Sales.

Along with this, if we talk only about the last two years (2019-2021), then we come to know that with the arrival of Covid-19 Pandemic, the culture of Work from Home started and people used Online Platforms & Social media a lot. .

People have now started looking for the Best Digital Marketing Agency to promote their business and shift it online. Therefore, now the scope of Digital Marketing in India is also visible quite wide.

Digital Marketing Strategies are economical and also give results quickly. That's why people are abandoning traditional marketing methods and preferring online marketing.

Let us see what is the reason for the Digital Marketing Industry growing so rapidly.

Why is the field of Digital Marketing growing so fast?

8-10 years ago you would hardly have heard the name of Digital Marketing. In those times, people believed more in Traditional Marketing and adopted Billboards, Pamphlets, Word of Mouth Marketing Strategies for promotion of their Products & Services.

Although there are many reasons for the boom of Digital Marketing Industry, but let us know about the major reasons in detail.

Source: Statista
Source: Statista

Growth of Internet Users

As we saw above how the number of Internet users has increased in India in the last decade, we can guess from this why the online marketing industry is growing very fast. 

It is feared that in the next ten years the number of Internet users is going to increase from the current figure (845 Million) to more than 1350 Million. 

These figures show that there are still many things that remain to be explored in the Digital Marketing Industry. 

As much as there has been growth in digital marketing in the last 5-10 years, it is possible that even more growth will be seen here in the coming years.

More effective than other marketing strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies are affordable as well as Reliable & Economical.

Earlier in traditional marketing, several thousand rupees had to be spent to advertise in newspapers. Apart from this, he used to promote his business and product or service by making Billboards, Banners, Pamphlets etc. There was a lot of expense involved in promoting in this manner.

But, now if you want to promote your products or services, then you will have to use Free & Paid Methods of Digital Ecosystem for that.

Under Free Method, you can implement methods like Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Optimization.

But if you want to get results quickly by investing some money, then you can also use Paid Digital Marketing Methods. These include – Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

According to these Free and Paid Methods, you can share content while optimizing social media, bring leads to your business website, run paid ads for promotion of your products & services, and many more. You can promote your business in many ways.

More users are engaged online

Now because the reach of Internet has increased a lot, most of the users like to spend their time on Social Media Platforms.

They want to get quality content which is unique as well as engaging, so that they can learn something.

In such a situation, it becomes easier for Digital Marketers to target people and they can convert them into their customers.

Therefore, the demand for Digital Marketers has also seen an increase in the last few years.

Digital access to every home

Now access to Internet, Mobiles, and Computers is not limited only to cities, but all these things have now reached villages and towns also. 

With this, the village people are also getting an opportunity to connect with online platforms and they are taking their business online.

Apart from this, if we look at the Startup Culture in India, now it is not limited only to big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, but is also emerging in other small cities. 

Now every man or woman from every small city and town is able to create a business opportunity for themselves by learning Digital Marketing.

Precise Customer Conversion

If you do any offline business and sell any of your products, then you adopt some traditional marketing method to promote it. 

But in this method you are not able to research your customers and target them precisely. 

But by implementing Digital Marketing Strategies, you create your own Customer Persona and on the basis of this you target and convert them. 

This is mostly true for Small-Scale-Businesses that have a tight budget and their product or service is made for a particular group of people.

Government’s Digital India Initiative

To make India a Digital India, the government has launched a program called Digital India.

Under this program, public service will be made digital with the help of information technology from every city of India to small towns and villages and people will be made aware and encouraged.

By digitalizing all the government works, there will be no delay in the delayed works and people will be encouraged to shift their business online to make the Digital India Mission a successful mission.

Future Growth of Digital Marketing in India

As we saw in the Statista report above, the number of Internet users in India in the year 2019 was around 636 Million, which has increased to 845 Million in 2021. By the year 2030 this number will increase to 1342 Million. 

Now it can be estimated from this that as the Internet is reaching every corner of the country, the trend of online business has also started increasing and the demand for digital marketing has also increased significantly. 

It has been seen that the profits of those businesses which have increased their online presence and created their online customer base have increased manifold. 

In view of this, even those businesses which were not online are now creating their online presence by adopting digital marketing strategies. 

With the expansion of Internet in India, many people have started shifting towards online. Now online transactions are being done, groceries are being purchased online, medicines, food, etc. have also become online. 

This is when almost 2/3rd population of India is deprived of Internet and mobile. Just imagine how big a digital revolution can happen when these people also have access to the internet. 

Now people related to every profession have started knowing about this emerging marketing strategy.  

In fact, after Covid-19, most of the businesses have shifted online and many people have even lost their jobs. 

Such people are adopting the new normal and learning new skills while sitting at home. In such a situation, Digital Marketing Industry is getting more boom.  

More and more opportunities are expected to come in the future and for that, Digital Marketers will have to think more creative & innovative and always remain updated with the latest trends.

Why is Digital Marketing Effective for you?

Digital Marketing Sector has been continuously growing for the last several years. It has played an important role in helping people take their business online and grow it.

Not only this, many people have started their own Digital Marketing Agency by learning Digital Marketing skills and many people are earning good money by providing their services as Freelancer.

People are slowly coming to know about this industry and people have also started knowing about Digital Marketing Benefits.

In such a situation, every small businessman now wants to do online business.

Students studying in college also want to earn part time income and become self independent.

Apart from this, Digital Marketing has also attracted sisters and mothers sitting at home. Therefore, she also wants to learn this skill and create an earning source for herself and support her family.

Let us see how a Businessman, Self-Employed Individual, Homemaker, etc. can take advantage of Digital Marketing and why it can prove to be an effective marketing strategy for them.

Are you a Businessman?

The most important thing for a businessman is – Time Management. 

Apart from this, every businessman wants that he can reach his product or service to as many people as possible and create a strong customer base. 

In such a situation, when Digital Marketing and Automation Strategies come together, a powerful combination is formed which is enough to run the business on autopilot mode along with marketing the product. 

Running a business on autopilot mode not only saves a businessman's precious time, but he can also focus on his other tasks and create different income streams.

For Self Employed or Professionals

If you are a doctor, lawyer, CA or any self employed individual, Digital Marketing can help you in achieving new heights.

Self-Employed Individuals mostly run offline businesses and their customer base also consists of offline audience. 

In such a situation, if they promote themselves online and reach their target customers using various digital marketing strategies, then just imagine how many people their name and their work can reach and how many people can become their customers. 

Therefore, implementing Digital Marketing is not only effective but also fruitful.  

For Housewife

Digital Marketing has emerged as a good source of income for homemakers or housewives. 

In today's era of inflation, it is difficult to meet the household expenses with just one person's income, due to which there is a fight for money in the house every day. 

Even today in many families, women are not allowed to leave the house nor are they allowed to go for jobs. In such a situation, Digital Marketing skill can prove to be a very good option which they can learn sitting at home. 

In such a situation, women can learn digital marketing and provide their services to clients and can do part-time or full-time freelancing. 

Apart from this, even if you do some small work at your home, you can also take that work online by adopting various strategies of Digital Marketing and create new customers. 

For Students

If you are a student and want that along with your studies, you should also learn a skill whose future demand is going to increase manifold?

Then Digital Marketing is for you. 

The field of Digital Marketing is growing rapidly today and its demand is going to increase in the coming times.

For your information, let us tell you that every year more than 18 lakh Digital Marketing vacancies arise in India, and today every company needs only and only highly skilled professionals. 

If you keep learning Digital Marketing skills along with your studies and implement them practically, then by the time you finish college, you will gain expertise in Digital Marketing and many ways of earning money will open for you.      

So that's why Digital Marketing Skill matters a lot in your life and you can implement it according to your profession and bring good results. 

Learn, Implement, and Earn Digitally

The scope of Digital Marketing is really huge in India. If we talk about the present time, Digital Marketing Industry has become a hottest industry. 

It is expected to emerge more in the coming times also. 

So even if you are in any profession or a housewife, you can create a new earning source for yourself by learning Digital Marketing. 

Like any other skill, it is important to learn Digital Marketing and implement its strategies in your work.  

This gives you practical learning and you are able to understand which strategy is working for you and which is not. 

When you implement things, you are able to take your existing business forward and grow it. 

Apart from this, many paths open up for you. For example, you can do freelancing, prepare a team and start your own digital marketing company, and help people in their business.
