Importance of Website For Your Business

Do you want a marketing platform that will do your marketing and promotion for you 365 days a week, 24/7?

Let us tell you that apart from “website”, there is no other medium in this world which spends so much time in your marketing. All this is possible with the help of a website that can extend your reach to any city in the world.

A website is a medium of business and interaction between you and your customers. On a website, you can list your products and services, contact details, portfolio, etc. which helps you have a good communication with your customers.

Website is also called an excellent marketing asset because through a website you can tell a lot to people about yourself. Website design is the first step of your marketing strategy. If any customer wants to know something about you, he can visit your website.

Also, if you are thinking of making your career in Digital Marketing then it is very important for you to have a website for practice. If you do not practically implement whatever you learn in Digital Marketing Course, you will not be able to learn anything.

In today's digital era, it has become very easy to reach people. If we talk about India, then the small businessmen of our country like small shopkeepers could sell their goods only to a limited number of people, but today the Internet has made everything very easy.

Now, with the help of an Ecommerce website, these people have been able to deliver their goods to every corner of India. Not only this, with the help of the website you can now sell your products and services to any city in the world.

What is a Website?

Website is a kind of marketing asset which reflects your brand identity. It is a collection of powerful marketing collaterals that increase your online reach in this digital world.

If we talk in technical terms, a website is a collection of many web pages which has a domain name and which is hosted on a web server. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is used to access a website domain.

Apart from attracting visitors, it is also a great medium to give information about you to your visitors, with the help of which your visitors can take a decision and buy your product and service.

People are able to know about your business and take some steps just by looking at your website. Therefore, it is important that you design your website well and create a mobile-friendly and responsive website. All this is taught to you under digital marketing course.

Now let us know about different types of websites.

Types of Websites

Websites can be of many types. From a simple portfolio website to large corporate websites can be designed.

However, if we talk about some basic fundamental websites then we can categorize them into 3 parts. These are three parts – Static Website, CMS or Dynamic Website, and Ecommerce Website.

We can divide these three types of websites into many different types of websites.

Let us know in detail about these three types of fundamental websites.

Static Website

As the name suggests, Static means stopped. Similarly, Static Website is that website which has only a few web pages and there is no need to change the data frequently.

While designing a static website, the developer uses some fixed codes due to which we cannot change the information posted on the website again and again.

This website is designed using Computer Programming Languages such as HTML, CSS, and Java.

CMS Or Dynamic Website

Dynamic Websites means a website in which data and information can be changed easily. There is no such thing as Fixed Codes here. Here the website data can be easily updated from time to time.

Dynamic Websites are designed on some Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, etc.

An Informative Blog Website is a good example of such websites where the content has to be updated regularly, and a News Website is also a good example of a Dynamic Website.

E-commerce Websites

If we understand Ecommerce Websites in simple words, then we can say that it is an updated digital version of the shops located in different markets of the world.

If you want to run your own online store and sell goods online, then you need an Ecommerce website.

You can design an ecommerce website with the help of various platforms, these include – WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento, etc.

Here we mentioned 3 basic fundamental websites. But you will say that we have seen many other websites like Portfolio Website, Event Website, Nonprofit Websites, etc.

So sir, let us tell you that all these websites are examples of Dynamic and Static Websites, the only difference is in their names.

Now let us also understand why we need a website and what are the benefits of having a website.

Importance of Website

The website represents your business, and gives your visitors a chance to know about you. Along with this, the website works like a Passive Marketing Asset for you which is engaged in your marketing for you 365 days and 24/7.

Let us know about some more such features.

Brand Building :

As we saw, the website works to provide a digital platform to your business. Without a website, you would hardly be able to convey your identity, your thinking, your vision, and your mission to people.

Now you will say that there are other digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. with the help of which we can build our brand. But you are probably not 100% right, because these are all Social Media Platforms which definitely help you in spreading your message to the people, but you need to present your Portfolio, Services, etc. Does not provide any platform for listing.

In such a case, you need a dynamic website which can become your digital face and present your expertise in front of people and can help you in establishing you as a brand.

Professional Version Of Yourself :

If you want to enter the professional world and establish your business, then remember that without a professional website your work will not work.

Today, take any business as an example, every business will have its own dedicated website on the internet which gives a lot of details about that business as well as the Executive Board Members of that company.

Therefore, if you want to take your career in a good direction and create a good client base, then you will need a Professional Version i.e. Website.

Showcase Your Products & Services :

As we have discussed above how a website helps in converting an offline business into an online business.

Through this, you can list your Physical Products, Digital Products, And Services etc. on the online website and help the needy client sitting in any corner of the world.

Not only this, if you are a digital marketer then you definitely have to design a Portfolio Website to sell your Premium Services, through which you can reach not only India but also Foreign Clients.

Enhance Your Reach :

A website definitely helps in expanding your reach to thousands and even millions of people. Through this, people are able to know you and communicate with you, which gives you many benefits, such as you get a new client, the relationship with the client becomes good, and your marketing also gets done.

Therefore, it is important that you get your website designed by a good developer and increase your reach.

Showcase Your Work To The World :

If you are doing some business under which you are solving people's problems, then definitely people would like to see you, know about you and see the way you work.

Therefore, whenever you increase your reach to people by marketing yourself, you actually showcase yourself as a Problem Solver, under which you tell about your work, mention some of your successfully completed projects, Mention some of your best testimonials, etc. By showing all these things, you get one step closer to converting your visitors into leads.

An Asset For Future Digital Marketers :

For those who are learning digital marketing and those who are digital marketers, websites are indeed no less than an asset.

For a learning marketer, this is the best and essential source to learn and implement. Without a website, you can understand only the theory part but you have to understand that unless you implement the theory practically, you will not get the best results.

Let us see what is the importance of a website in Digital Marketing :

  1. With the help of the website, you can learn the methods of digital marketing very closely by using Trial & Error Method which helps you in becoming a great marketer.
  2. There are different methods of SEO like Technical SEO, Local SEO, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, etc. Can be learned only by practicing on a website.
  3. You can get information about Google Crawler, Indexing, etc. and with the help of Google Analytics Tool, you can analyze the behavior of users visiting your website and then optimize your website based on that.
  4. With the help of a website, you build trust and credibility among your customers, which can prove to be effective in building your brand.

Words to use when creating a website

If you are a Learning Digital Marketer then get ready because you are going to be faced with the following words. Let us tell you a little about these words.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript :

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Multi Language. Every web page of a website is built on HTML codes and also defines the structure of a site.
  • On the other hand, CSS is used to define the style, design, font size, etc. of the website.
  • Whereas JavaScript is a programming language which is used to make web pages interactive. Besides, we can also say that we use JavaScript Language to improve User Experience.

Responsive Web Design :

This means that whenever you design a website, that website should be user friendly, which means if the user opens your website on Laptop, Tablet, or Mobile, then your website will always work easily in all three devices without much loading. Should open on time.

CMS & Backend :

Content Management System means a platform where you can easily operate, edit, update etc. your website.

WordPress is a good example of this.

On the other hand, the server or content management system of the website is called Backend. In the Backend Section, you can operate and update the technical aspects of your website and can also change the pages, content, etc. of the website by logging in to your server.

Frontend :

Whenever you visit a website, whatever content, graphics, etc. you see is included in the Front End section only. Whatever graphics etc. you see on webpages, they are placed there with the help of coding.

Grid System :

This is a structure of the webpages of your website which consists of columns and lines which helps in making the content & layout of your web page readable.

Domain & Hosting :

Domain Name is a unique name and web address of your website which most of the time ends with .com, .net, .in, etc.

On the other hand, Webhosting is a platform where you host your website and make it available to the public. In most of the cases, you get three types of hosting such as Shared Hosting, Managed Hosting, and Dedicated Hosting.

Conversion Rate :

This means how many people visited your website and how many visitors were converted into leads. When you divide the Number of Visitors by the Number of Leads, you get to know the Conversion Rate of your website.

Meta Tags :

These tags tell the details of your web page in the form of HTML code. These details are generally not shown on the page but Web Crawlers And Search Engines are able to read and understand it easily.

Sitemaps :

Sitemap is a kind of outline of your website with the help of which you can find out how the content of your website will be organized. Through this the hierarchy between your web pages is also shown.

UI/UX Design :

User Interface (UI) is a view of your web page that a visitor sees or in other words with which your visitor interacts.

On the other hand, User Experience (UX Design) is an effort towards making your web design more prominent. Through UX Design, you create a path for your visitors and give them the option to navigate to your website.

Cookies :

Cookies are small text files that contain basic information about the websites you visit. Cookies help web servers to know your preferences, to know your interests, and to know your likes and dislikes.

Things you need to start a website

If you have made up your mind to design a dynamic website for your business, then let us tell you what things you will need to design a great website.

**Keep in mind that here we are going to talk about the things and tools required for designing a dynamic website.

Domain & Hosting :

As we have mentioned above, Domain is a kind of name or address of your website which also becomes your identity. You should buy the domain from an established domain registrar only. Apart from this, if possible, buy only “.com” domain.

Similarly, hosting also works like a web server and provides the facility to host your website.

CMS (Content Management System) :

CMS provides a platform for your website where you can log in and operate your website.

Theme :

A theme is the basis of your website or it can be said that theme is a mask of your website. Whenever you visit a website, whatever information you see on the header, footer, body, etc. of the website is part of a kind of theme.

We can also understand it in this way that a theme tells you how you want to show your website to your visitors. Do you want an attractive website, or do you want a simple & sober website?

You get to see many themes inside WordPress and if you know coding, you can also create a customized theme for yourself.

Example: GeneratePress, Astra Pro, Etc.

Plugins :

These are some softwares that help you in optimizing your website and operating it well. These work to make your work easier which enhances the overall performance of your website.

Examples: Yoast SEO, Rank Math, WP Rocket, etc.

Contents :

Content is one of the most important requirements of your website. A website is incomplete without content. A well-written content gives people a chance to know about you and increases your credibility.


So in this article we learned how a website works as a powerful marketing asset in a business and helps the business to grow in multiple folds.

Along with this, we also learned that many types of websites can be designed in this digital world today and how a website plays an important role in your business and brand building.

If you want to become a good Digital Marketer, then you need to have knowledge in website design so that you can design your own site and tell people about your services, create an excellent portfolio, show Clients Testimonials, and Add your contact details.

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